Federation of alternatinve medecines

Become a member

Membership form: Click here to download.

• Contribution can be reimbursed at 100% • Minimal file opening
• Certificate
• Professional liability insurance
• Group Insurance
• Accredited by insurance companies (including the Blue Cross)
• Public reference service
• File processing in less than two weeks
• Seminars and continuing training
• Leaflets
• Traditional receipt books ($5.00 per 50-sheet book)
• Receipt book for three months of treatments
• Payment of the contribution once a year or by Visa
• A Federation for several therapies
• Possibility of placement
• Use of the logo by members
• Code of ethics
• Discount on membership fees for member referrals
($24.00 discount for each member referred upon registration and each re-registration)
• Identification of the member and their profession by certificates displaying the FMA seal.
• Private telephone line
• Student rate: $25.00
(New member referral: $10.00)

• Visibility
• Credibility
• Accreditation certificate
• Reference on our website
• Reference service to the general public
• Several appraisers in Canada
this efficiency allows the new member to start working more quickly.)
• File, sends certificates in less than 2 weeks.
• Various training courses offered all year round (trigger points, facial massage, reflexology, shiatsu, energy, herbology, chair massage, etc.)
• Preferential rates on training for members.
• Evaluation of the student's overall approach rather than segmented by technique.

Among the advantages of becoming a student member: having access to all the promotional tools offered by the FMA, receiving the code of ethics, having access to the information service, but also the possibility of accumulating reductions for each reference made to the Association either $10.00 for each referred student member and $25.00 for each active member, up to the total amount of the contribution.
This accumulation will be deducted from the membership fee when transferring status from student member to active member. In addition to the $25.00 credit as a student member. As you can see, being a student member costs money. Annual membership fee
Student Member: $25.00 credited upon joining as an active member.

To be a member:

• Attach copies of your diplomas and certified transcripts to the originals;
• Attach a copy of your birth certificate;
• Attach a recent passport-sized photograph.
• Complete the form above
• Application fee: $24.

To be a student member:

• Attach a copy of receipt or proof of registration to an accredited school;
• Attach two recent passport-sized photographs;
• Attach a copy of your resume.
It is understood that…
• Candidates must meet the standards required by the FMA and hold diplomas.
• Respect the code of ethics
• Demonstrate a balanced personality.
• Hold a DES or equivalent or have experience considered relevant.

Payment method
You can now pay your contribution in two easy ways: • A single payment of $168.00 by check or cash
• 3 equal pre-authorized payments of $60.00
• Payment of $120.00 for the massage therapy practitioner license
• payment of $168.00 for other disciplines
(possible accumulation of several disciplines: single price).

Membership fees

• The annual membership fee is renewable on April 1 of each year and expires on March 31 of each year. • The amount of the membership fee is $168.00, for other disciplines, payable in a single payment. The amount of the contribution is $120.00 for massage therapy practitioner members. • A check in the amount of $168.00 must accompany your membership application to proceed with the opening of your file ($24.00 ). This amount is not refundable. • Must have proof of registration for a course at a recognized school.

• Active member: $168.00
• Non-active member: $25.00
• Student member: $25.00 credited upon joining as an active member
File opening: $24.00
The application opening fees are valid for one year. After this period, if you have not become a member, you will have to pay the fees again in order to keep your file active.

Annual membership fee: $168.00 The cost of the membership fee will be prorated to the number of months remaining
before the next renewal.

Month of current year


Month of current year



168,00 $


154,00 $


140,00 $


126,00 $


112,00 $


98,00 $


84,00 $


70,00 $


56,00 $


42,00 $


28,00 $


14,00 $

Some discounts may apply
if you are already a member of an association, federation or corporation recognized by the FMA.

Annual massage therapy practitioner fee is $120

The cost of the contribution will be calculated in proportion to the number of months remaining
before the next renewal.


  Month of current year


Month of current year



120,00 $


110,00 $


100,00 $


90,00 $


80,00 $


70,00 $


60,00 $


50,00 $


40,00 $


30,00 $


20,00 $


10,00 $

Certaines réductions peuvent s’appliquer
si vous êtes déjà membre d’une association, fédération ou corporation reconnues par la F



• Each new member referred entitles the referrer to a discount of $24.00. This amount is applicable to its next renewal. A member can refer several people and thus receive more than one discount up to the total amount of their membership fee. That’s a possible saving of $168.00 per year, and renewable each year.

• A member can refer more than one person and thus receive a check in addition to their contribution rebate.

This pricing may change without notice.

Contact Us

Phone : (418) 265-2079

Email : federationmedecinealternative@gmail.com 

Fédération des Médecines Alternatives
2860, Chemin des Quatre-Bourgeois, Suite 334
Québec (Québec)

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