1. A member must comply with the FMA Code of Ethics.
2. The contribution is payable on the anniversary of your membership each year. A member has 30 days to pay their membership fee. After this period, if no arrangement is made between the two parties, the member’s file will be closed and he will thus lose all his privileges.
3. Receipts and other orders must be paid for within 30 days of receipt thereof. Otherwise, the member will no longer have credit and will have to send a check with their order. A 2% late fee will apply.
4. A member must change their address or telephone number if necessary. The FMA won’t look for him.
5. A member must only practice the discipline for which he is qualified. Professional insurance does not cover an act for which a therapist is not certified and the client will not be reimbursed for the treatment.
6. The certificate must be displayed in public view.
A member loses his membership title:
1. By not following up on the file; change of address, telephone, email, credit card number (for those who make monthly payments).
2. Members and insurance companies will be informed of any cancellation. The FMA reserves the right to use other means to make the cancellation public.
A deregistered member is no longer entitled to the privileges of the FMA.
The certificate and membership card remain the property of the FMA and must be returned to us at the time of cancellation, resignation or closure of the file. A fee of $75.00 will apply for the certificate that is not returned within 30 days following the cancellation, closure of the file, suspension or resignation.
1. This code imposes on the health professional of the Federation of Alternative Medicine, in application of
article 87 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26), the general and specific duties which he must fulfill.
D. 502-2004, a. 1.
2. The health professional of the Fédération des Médecines Alternatives must fulfill their professional obligations with competence and integrity.
D. 502-2004, a. 2.
3. The health professional of the Fédération des Médecines Alternatives has the primary duty to protect the health and well-being of the individuals they serve, both individually and collectively.
D. 502-2004, a. 3.
4. The health professional of the Fédération des Médecines Alternatives must practice their profession according to the standards of practice generally recognized in their discipline. To this end, he must in particular keep his knowledge up to date and perfect it as well as develop his skills, abilities and attitudes.
D. 502-2004, a. 4.
5. The health professional of the Fédération des Médecines Alternatives must, before agreeing to provide professional services, take into account the limits of their competence and the means at their disposal. He must refrain from guaranteeing the cure of any health condition.
D. 502-2004, a. 5.
6. In addition to what is provided for in article 54 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26), the health professional of the Fédération des Médecines Alternatives must refrain from practicing their profession or asking certain professional acts in conditions or states likely to compromise the quality of its services.
D. 502-2004, a. 6.
7. When transmitting information that he knows to be incomplete, preliminary or whose reliability he doubts, the health professional of the Fédération des Médecines Alternatives must notify the recipient.
D. 502-2004, a. 7.
8. The health professional of the Federation of Alternative Medicines must practice his profession with respect for the life, dignity and freedom of the human person. He cannot refuse to provide his professional services when the patient’s life is in danger.
D. 502-2004, a. 8.
9. The health professional of the Fédération des Médecines Alternatives must take into account all the foreseeable consequences that their research and work may have on society.
D. 502-2004, a. 9.
10. The health professional of the Fédération des Médecines Alternatives must have irreproachable conduct. He must, in particular, act with courtesy, dignity, moderation and objectivity.
D. 502-2004, a. 10.
11. The health professional of the Federation of Alternative Medicines must subordinate his personal interest to
that of the patient.
D. 502-2004, a. 11.
12. The health professional of the Fédération des Médecines Alternatives must safeguard their professional independence at all times. He must, in particular, ignore any intervention
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Phone : (418) 265-2079
Email : federationmedecinealternative@gmail.com
Fédération des Médecines Alternatives
2860, Chemin des Quatre-Bourgeois, Suite 334
Québec (Québec)
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